
Scholars Academy
#Our story
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  • We work as a team with each child's family
  • Staff that is Loving, Caring and provide gentle guidance.
  • Joy at all the things we do that make life a journey of exploration and discovery
  • Designing a classroom environment and curriculum that encourage skill acquisition and discovery throughout the child’s learning process
  • Respect for the child as a special and unique individual with ever changing wants and needs
  • Modeling appropriate behavior and friendships
  • Fostering creativity through Expression, Art, Music and Dance

Our Staff

  • Our teaching staff comprises a blend of highly experienced early Childhood Educators, Primary Teachers, Middle and High School Teachers, Nurses and Child-care Workers.
  • A natural aptitude of nurturing and teaching children is our primary concern when recruiting teachers and child-caring staff.
  • Each teacher will be trained with the Methodologies, Policies, Procedures, Curriculum Structure and Teaching Structures.
  • We at Scholars believe that great thing about education is that a teacher is required to grow along with your child. It is not a profession where we sit back self-satisfied. Education is a process of continuous growth towards self-actualization. Because of this human dimension we continually learn.